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UPDATE! The Environmental Impact of Fast Fashion: Why We Need to RECLAIM Our Threads (& some tips)

A 2023 assessment by Commons App -

an app to help the user make conscious

purchases and understand where carbon emissions are coming from - has updated stats on the environmental impact of the fast fashion industry. I found this company via instagram - - because they share tons of info and stats about the environmental impact of large corporations. I have just downloaded the app to keep an eye on the implications of my personal & business spending. The app tracks your purchases and rewards you for sustainable spending, and gives you options to offset your carbon footprint! Click here to sign up & reduce our carbon footprint.

My personal bank account is also with Aspiration - it is free, fully online, and also supports sustainability & offsetting carbon emissions. I let the company "plant my change" by rounding up my purchases and using those coins to plant trees. So far, I have planted over 500 trees! I also get cash back rewards for doing so. Check out Aspiration banking.

But, back to my main point - the climate crisis and how we fund it. Amazon and Shein are two of the top 3 giant corporations with the highest carbon emissions. Textile production contributes more to climate change than air and ground shipping combined. The fast fashion industry relies primarily on fossil fuels for the production of fabric - see our article Polyester: The Main Ingredient of the Fast Fashion Industry. Every second, a garbage truck's worth of clothing is burned or buried in a landfill. Both options are terrible. These are the reasons we need to be conscious of what our dollars are supporting.


Original Article

The Environmental Impact of Fast Fashion: Why We Need to RECLAIM Our Threads

In a world where trends change as swiftly as the seasons, the fast-fashion industry has taken center stage, offering consumers affordable and on-trend clothing at an unprecedented pace. However, behind the shimmering facade of low prices and ever-changing styles lies a darker reality – the environmental toll of fast fashion. In this blog post, we'll explore the negative impact of the fast-fashion industry and shed light on the eco-friendly alternative: secondhand and vintage clothing.

The Fast Fashion Footprint:

  1. Environmental Pollution: Fast fashion is synonymous with mass production, which often leads to the excessive use of water, energy, and chemicals. The production of synthetic fabrics, prevalent in many fast-fashion garments, contributes significantly to water pollution. Harmful chemicals from dyes and finishing agents find their way into rivers and oceans, posing a threat to aquatic ecosystems.

  2. Waste Generation: The fast-fashion business model relies on quick turnover, encouraging consumers to discard clothing after only a few wears. This leads to an alarming amount of textile waste, as synthetic fabrics can take hundreds of years to decompose. Landfills are overflowing with discarded garments, contributing to environmental degradation.

  3. Ethical Concerns: Beyond environmental issues, the fast-fashion industry has also been criticized for its unethical labor practices. Low wages, poor working conditions, and exploitation of laborers are all too common in the pursuit of cheaper and faster production.

Secondhand Style: A Sustainable Solution:

  1. Reduced Carbon Footprint: Opting for secondhand and vintage clothing significantly reduces the demand for new production. By extending the life cycle of existing garments, we can minimize the carbon footprint associated with manufacturing, transportation, and packaging.

  2. Water Conservation: Unlike the water-intensive production processes of fast fashion, secondhand shopping requires no additional water resources. Choosing pre-loved clothing helps conserve water and alleviate the strain on water-scarce regions.

  3. Promoting Circular Fashion: Secondhand fashion embraces the principles of a circular economy by encouraging reuse and recycling. Thrifting and vintage shopping contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly fashion cycle, diverting clothing away from landfills and into new wardrobes.

  4. Unique Style and Timeless Fashion: Embracing secondhand and vintage clothing allows individuals to cultivate a unique style. Vintage pieces often boast craftsmanship and quality that stand the test of time, offering a contrast to the disposable nature of fast fashion.

As consumers become increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their choices, the fashion industry is at a crossroads. The negative consequences of fast fashion are undeniable, prompting a shift towards more sustainable alternatives. Choosing secondhand and vintage clothing isn't just a fashion statement; it's a conscious decision to protect our planet and promote a more ethical and sustainable approach to style. By redefining our relationship with fashion, we can contribute to a healthier, more environmentally friendly industry, one timeless piece at a time.

RECLAIMthreads is a sustainable slow-fashion brand on a mission to redefine style with purpose. At the heart of our ethos is the art of upcycling, where we breathe new life into secondhand clothing & materials, crafting them into mesmerizing statement pieces. Fueled by a deep-seated passion to counteract the detrimental effects of the fast-fashion industry, a notorious global polluter, we stand as advocates for change. Our primary goal is to significantly reduce the staggering amount of clothing that ends up in landfills by embracing & breathing new life into existing garments. The RECLAIMthreads inventory is a treasure trove of one-of-a-kind vintage pieces, showcasing a style that dares to be bold. Join us in the pursuit of a more sustainable & conscious approach to fashion, where every garment is a testament to our dedication to both individuality and the planet.

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